Jumpstart Your Novel

The New Writer's Guide to Storycraft

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Have you ever told yourself you don't have what it takes to be a novelist?

We all do. From beginning novelists to popular fiction writers, our common fear is that we’re not good enough.

That’s often why we procrastinate. Fear even holds us back from improving.

But we shouldn’t live in fear. We should be conquerors. I believe that your gift at writing is a good gift and that the fears that hold you back are your enemy. I want to nurture your gift and make it grow.

So, here’s the question. Are you serious about your story? Do you want to write a book that you can be proud of?

That's what this course is going to teach you.


I want to teach you to write your story with confidence.

I want you to write a book you're proud of. That’s why I created this course. The journey of this course will take you many places, but when you’re done, you will have a solid understanding of everything you need to write your story with confidence.

I didn’t say you’re going to be able to write an absolute masterpiece after taking this course. Writing takes a lot of time and work. However, I am going to set you off in that direction and give you the supplies to make it there.

Here's what you'll learn in this course:

  • The seven main points of story structure
  • How to create awesome characters
  • The basic building blocks of theme
  • How to choose the best point of view for your story
  • How to jumpstart your growth as a writer
  • ...and more

Check out the full course syllabus below to see what exactly you'll be learning.


What Students Say About Jumpstart Your Novel

“I’m a junior in college, majoring in creative writing. You’d think the sort of stuff covered in Jumpstart Your Novel would all be things I learned in my first year, wouldn’t you? Wrong. I’ve learned loads more about writing from this course than I have in my three years at college (which reportedly has the best Creative Writing program around)...”

- Sophia


“I would completely recommend this to any author starting just starting out, or anyone, really who feel that they still need to learn anything about novel writing.”

- Timothy Young


Are you ready to stop dreaming and learn how to actually write your novel?

81% of Americans feel they have a book in them. Of those hundreds of millions of people though, only a fraction of a fraction will ever actually finish a manuscript.

I want you to be one of the few who actually finishes a manuscript.

That's what this course is going to teach you.

Many students have been thrilled they’ve taken this course. I want you to have the same experience. That's why we're offering a 30 day money back guarantee if you decide this course is less than you expected it to be. Simply shoot us an email at [email protected] and we'll give you a full refund.

So here's the question: What are you going to do with that novel idea in your head? Are you going to let it sit there wasting away, or are you going to make your dream a reality?

This course is all about equipping you to make that dream a reality.

Enroll below to start learning how to jumpstart your novel's growth!

Get started now!

Your Instructor


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
Is there homework involved in this course?
There is a small amount of optional homework that we recommend you complete for your own benefit. All assignments are self-paced come with an answer sheet for self-grading.
Does this course include a forum community?
No, it does not. However, if you are looking for a forum community of young Christian writers, we highly recommend the Kingdom Pen forum. Go to http://kingdompen.org/join/ to register.
What if I am unhappy with this course?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me ([email protected]) in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.